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2 answers

Handling language barriers

I am trying to write the story for an RPG I will make in the future. The world itself is huge with multiple continents and landmasses, but the current story takes place on the main four continents. ...
Crafter's user avatar
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1 vote
2 answers

How to depict alien thoughts when color/pattern is primary language?

Searched through questions, googled around, and couldn't find anything helpful so here I am. I am trying to find an interesting way to write out the thought patterns of an alien species that's primary ...
LOCHLAN's user avatar
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10 votes
5 answers

How can I keep my dialogue nuanced and informal without breaking the illusion that the story is a translation (from a fictional language)?

The story I'm writing is in English, but it's set in a constructed world with a range of different languages. The general conceit is that anything the viewpoint character (of which there's more than ...
TheTermiteSociety's user avatar
4 votes
2 answers

Transcribing a fictional pictograph based language

I'm a fresh pup to this site and I have a bit of a quagmire at my fingertips. My novel takes place in a dystopian future approximately half a century from the modern day. Consumerism and promotional ...
Jed's user avatar
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4 answers

How to convey that the POV character *does not understand* what's said in dialogue?

The general advice is often to focus on the content of what's said in dialogue and just write it in the reader's language, largely whether the characters would use that language or not in-universe. ...
user's user avatar
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13 votes
5 answers

Should a conlang be translated?

Diving (OK, dove) into conlanging for a novel I'm working on. The conlang is atmospheric and allows for some subplot intrigue, but it's not absolutely essential to the story. I've got basic grammar, ...
patrick's user avatar
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