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Questions tagged [children]

This tag should be used for questions about writing intended for readers 0-7 years old. For readers between 12 and 18 years old use [young-adult]. For readers ages 8-12 use [middle-grade]. For questions about characters, use [child-characters]. For questions about children or teens who are writers, use [young-author].

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14 votes
4 answers

A children's book that takes 25 minutes to read out loud - is it too long?

I've written a 3rd grade level (8-9 years old) children's book that takes about 25 minutes to read out loud. I read it to a 3rd grade class, with a few posters for illustrations, and it actually ...
crj11's user avatar
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23 votes
6 answers

Can someone publish a story that happened to you?

Can someone take a story that happened to you, without your knowledge, and publish it? Using your name and specifics, and take the copyright for it? A person, whose mother lived in our small town, ...
Juli Ridgway's user avatar
8 votes
2 answers

What are some clear differences in theme/story between children's, middle grade, and young adult fantasy?

At the moment I'm trying to write a fantasy novel, and I think it's leaning more towards middle grade rather than children's or young adult fantasy, but I'd like to know if there are any particular ...
s.anne.w's user avatar
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7 votes
7 answers

Using footnotes in fiction: children's book which can be enjoyed by adults

I would like to write a children's story which is appealing to both children and adults. However, the world in which the story takes place requires the use of higher vocabulary and slang (it is a real ...
writersam's user avatar
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6 votes
2 answers

Publishing a Children's Picture book -- Question about an App and a Printed version

I've written and had illustrated a children's picture book. I'm thinking of making this into an App for download from the Apple Apps store. I'm also considering looking for a publisher to publish a ...
Richard's user avatar
  • 233
4 votes
2 answers

Add copyright notice before submitting manuscript?

I have written and illustrated a rhyming picturebook (for approx 0-7 year olds) and have it in PDF format which I prepared in InDesign. When I am sending the manuscript off, do I need to worry about ...
martin's user avatar
  • 317
4 votes
1 answer

Written and illustrated children's book: what now?

I have written and illustrated a children's book and am looking for advice about where to go with it now. My thoughts are: approach independent bookstores, contact an illustrator's agent, approach ...
martin's user avatar
  • 317
3 votes
2 answers

When you submit a manuscript for a picture book, where do the pictures go?

I am currently making a picture book, but it has pictures and I don't know where in the manuscript they should go.
Mikachu's user avatar
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