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Questions tagged [child-characters]

This tag should be used for questions about young characters in your work and problems that may arise for you from choosing these characters. For questions about writing aimed at young readers, use [young-adult], [middle-grade], or [children] instead. For questions about authors who are children, use [young-author].

3 questions from the last 365 days
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2 answers

How does one write a horror fight scene where a person has to fight someone that is way stronger bigger and tougher than them [closed]

So I'm trying to write some fight scenes for fanfics I'm working on revamping and I've decided,"Ya know, I should just ask the big experts rather than just random discord friends." So that's ...
Rising writer's user avatar
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3 answers

Should I kill off my main character at the end of my story?

I have had an idea for the entirety of my book to kill off my main character, Jack. But I'm currently having second thoughts. I'm almost through writing and I need help ASAP! I feel like it's ...
Delta's user avatar
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How do I portray a character (child) that has had their consciousness spontaneously transferred to a different person (adult)?

In a screenplay I'm writing, one of the characters, a four-year-old girl, has her consciousness transferred into the body of a 25-year-old woman. How do I go about doing that? What is the mental/...
2ple's user avatar
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