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Questions tagged [characters]

Questions that involve people in a work of fiction, including character development, motivations, design, points of view, and representation.

5 questions from the last 30 days
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2 answers

is it too cliche to foreshadow a character's future using their given names?

in the book i'm currently working on, i'm thinking of using unconventional names (sometimes even words that aren't names) that are heavily symbolic and supposed to predict what they future should be. ...
pearl's user avatar
  • 21
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1 answer

Is it possible to kill a character while in their POV? [duplicate]

I'm writing a fantasy book that has 4 main characters. While I was planning, I thought it would be interesting to kill off one of the characters. I was thinking about doing it whilst in said character'...
Kailah's user avatar
  • 285
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4 answers

Logical flaws with 1st person pov

Quick disclaimer: Sorry, if my phrasing is not accurate, English is not my first language (and the stories I write are not in English). I am currently writing a short story that is giving me headaches ...
Barbaud Julien's user avatar
1 vote
1 answer

Can the POV Change

So my question is if my POV can change like from one character (Ajax) to another character (his sister Storm) but it has their name at the top of each chapter so no one gets confused. Can I do that? ...
Silver Skrill's user avatar
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3 answers

How do I accurately write a french character in America?

I want to include a character in a webcomic who moved from France to America sometime after college. He knows english and is mostly fluent speaking, reading, and writing, but I want to still show that ...
Duck DoingDuckThings's user avatar