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Asking about chapter's length

Is it okay if a short story's chapter's length is 450 words? If so, could you also have a chapter with 1000 or more words in the same story?
Nour Fourti's user avatar
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Publishing of Collection of Short Stories

I have a collection of short stories--48 in total, a word count of 80,000 and 156 pages. Regarding publication, is such a collection likely to be too large? If I were to split it into two collections, ...
Bryan Smith's user avatar
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In a short story, how long is "too long"?

I understand this can and probably will be shut down for many reasons, but how long is too long for a short story? I want to write a short story, but tend to write novels if I write anything (Even ...
DJFluffy's user avatar
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Is it more optimal to make a longer story or leave it at three pages?

I have short story that is three pages and a paragraph. It's based off a short story by one of my favorite authors in order to learn their prose. Three pages seems a bit short. I think the length of ...
Towell's user avatar
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Story length and the term used

At what page number would a short story become a novella and at what point does a novella become a book manuscript? Is there a specific length that the story has to be to achieve to use those terms?
giacomo casanova's user avatar
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Starting Out - Plot + Charaters by Documentaries [closed]

I gues I could say I am decently good at writing, for someone who doesn't write much besides English 101/102 classes. I have a couple questions, which may proceed some background information to why ...
Chris Okyen's user avatar