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Does the plot always have to be in proportion to a normal novel?

I am presently writing a novel, but it is going to be incredibly large (over 200,000 words when complete). I am aware that I will need to cut a lot of sections, but I'll be worrying about that later. ...
Wyvern123's user avatar
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Should I save some plot for the sequel of my novel or make the first book (too) long but complete?

I wrote a sci-fi novel. It's around 120k words long with a neat 'ending' that wraps up the main plot. The story is not complete: Although the main goal has been accomplished, a lot of smaller issues ...
Ace's user avatar
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How long should a good synposis be for a novel?

I have always been poor at writing things without including excessive detail, but I managed to rewrite my synopsis with very little detail and with personal detailed side notes not included within the ...
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