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2 answers

How to length chapters in book [closed]

I began trying to write a book yesterday and saw that what I wanted to write in 10-15 pages I wrote in two. How do I lengthen the book so it won't be this short?
user52363's user avatar
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2 answers

When a story is longer than a book, is it best to wait until the entire story is done before completing the first book in the story? [duplicate]

I have been working on a story for several years. The manuscript is now currently longer than 1,000 notebook pages (roughly 615 pages in print by my calculations) and it’s only a third of the way ...
RE Lavender's user avatar
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19 votes
10 answers

Is it time to start closing up my novel?

I realize this may be a duplicate question. I've seen, for reference [ How long can a first novel be? ] yet I think my situation is a little more specific. I find myself in a similar situation. My ...
Liquid's user avatar
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Is there a method to estimating the length of a work before writing it?

I am writing my first novel, which I think likely will end up being several volumes. Although I have a lot of experience in poetry and short stories, this is a very different challenge! My question ...
DoctorWhom's user avatar
4 votes
5 answers

Am I Breaking Too Many Rules?

I've finally committed to writing my first novel. I've been listening to things like Writing Excuses which encourages first time writers to finish their works, but I'm definitely writing an old ...
Kirk's user avatar
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7 answers

How to add more details to a novel

I have discovered that I am most definitely not a pantser, especially when writing longer pieces. The last couple of times I've tried to write a novel, I didn't feel like I was writing enough. I didn'...
James Westman's user avatar
3 votes
1 answer

How long should a good synposis be for a novel?

I have always been poor at writing things without including excessive detail, but I managed to rewrite my synopsis with very little detail and with personal detailed side notes not included within the ...
Bethrbt's user avatar
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How long does a teen science fiction novel need to be?

How long/how many pages does a teen science fiction novel need to be in order for a publishing agency to take it seriously?
LMo's user avatar
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