I have noticed as a writer that one of my greatest weaknesses is writing paragraphs. I never really learned exactly how a paragraph is supposed to support one single theme. For instance, this is a paragraph I wrote a little while ago:
Another artillery shell exploded: this time within arms reach. Burning steam and snow mist splashed against his face. Eith scrambled to his feet. Not daring to look at the near-miss shell, he limped his way forward. If he could just reach the top of this hill, enter a building, wait out the battle, and claw his way to the countryside, he might have a ghost of a chance of making it out intact.
This paragraph doesn't have a consistent theme. It starts off explaining the sensory information regarding a missed artillery explosion, but mid-way through the paragraph it switches to the POV character wanting to scramble away. Finally, the paragraph ends with the character making a plan to escape the aforementioned battlefield.
I am aware of the problem, one paragraph is trying to have three different themes at one time, but alone, none of these ideas are strong enough to support their own paragraph. It would be padding to think otherwise.
How do I write long, detailed paragraphs that have enough substance to stand on their own as an individual theme without resorting to padding?