I want to say couple of this within one sentence. so my sub sentences would be:
- We removed the vertical features from the classification process.
- The removal of vertical features enhances the discontinuations between planar objects and the earth. (the meaning is: in reality there are many planar object features, for e.g. building tops etc. by removing vertical objects like walls, the connection between roof tops and terrain can be avoided.)
- The main reason for erroneous classification of mentioned places is the merging of less oblique planes with nearby vegetation patches. (meaning: some places wrongly classified so that i am referring to that places)
- The nearby vegetation patches do not have considerable discontinuity with surrounding earth surface. (Meaning: some vegetation which do locate close to the mentioned objects make connection with terrain because vegetation normally has many branches from close to the terrain to top of the mentioned planar object surfaces, so that, indirectly such objects connect to the terrain.)
Then I put all together and construct the below sentence.
Although we removed the vertical features from the classification process as it enhances the discontinuations between planes and earth, the main reason for misleading the classification of mentioned places is the merging of less oblique planes with nearby vegetation of which doesn't have considerable discontinuity with surrounding earth surface.
I put all in the way although, part 1, part 2 pattern. in here, in both parts I am telling a fact and the reason for that fact. So, my question is how to shorten all stuff into one sentence as I am running out my space.