I'm learning the ropes regarding fair use. An important key word appears to be "transformative." If I'm writing political commentary, and I violently disagree with someone else's opinion, I can quote them, then analyze what they said and rip it apart. I believe this qualifies as fair use even in a for-profit book.
But can I quote someone I agree with? For example, imagine if I write, "Climate change is progressing faster than anyone expected." Then, to back it up, I write the following:
I'm not alone. Check out what Dr. Franz Richard says . . .
(I then quote Dr. Richard saying something similar.)
Would this 1) qualify as fair use, 2) NOT qualify as fair use, or 3) qualify as a gray area that may or may not get you sued?
P.S. I tried to insert the tag "fair use," but it apparently doesn't exist.