This is largely context dependent and opinion based, however there is one rule: Readability. As per the answer to This English Language stackexchange question about spaces, so what is the most readable style in your usecase?
Though a programming language guide, the MISRA C guidelines may provide a small amount of help due to excessive use of them in that language. As a rule it suggests excess use of spacing so that you can more easily pair which set are linked, however I personally think this looks robotic (though I only use it on computers (which makes a difference I geuss?) ). Take the following example:
The dog (which was quick (and brown))
This example isn't that relevant for much, as is the paragraph about MISRA. However between the two uses of nested parentheses in this, which feels more natural? For me it's the one about the dog, though if you need it very clear where the parentheses cover, I would add the space or mix square brackets and parantheses [like so (1)].