Okay here's the thing. After a tough verbal fight with my friend, I concluded that I will post this question here and get some concrete answers.
According to what I feel, italicized words are used
For internal monologues
"And what about her cousin? Mary?"
I shook my head. "No... No contact with her too." Except sometimes getting slapped by her for free.
For stressing on certain words
"As far as I know, I am right."
"No. You were right."
But is this valid?
I saw her look towards me as I entered the office, "It was him." I turned around to see who she was pointing at. But there was no one. She was not looking looking towards me.She was looking at me.
The argument that my friend gives is that I should not use the italicized words in sentences because it looks rude to read. But I say why can't I if I want the tone at that very word to be emphasized? He says I should use single inverted commas instead. But I use them for my dialogues within dialogues.
Please help. I am really confused.