In an story I mentioned previously in past questions (Don't worry, nothing important that won't be explained here), I was going to have the protagonist go through a hero-to-villain arc and the antagonist go through a villain-to-hero arc, and the antagonist would become the new protagonist in the story.
My plan for this was to keep with the protagonist's POV up until a certain final scene, which I am assuming is going to be the final fight and the main climax of the entire story. Then, I was going to switch over to the past going to the antagonist's POV, but as the Last of Us 2 reviews have taught me, this really tends to break immersion, flow, and suspense since you don't keep a bell-curve model, more just two bell curves but the first one drops down like a rock at the climax.
Is there any way to pull this off well without being a deity of a writer, and if not, is there any method I can use that accomplishes maintaining both POV's until this final fight while keeping the flow of the story going? The only other method I could think of was alternating the POV's between chapters, but I thought this might be a little confusing and jarring, or making it end just before this final fight and instead foreshadowing it in the last scene with the first protagonist.