Are there some specific rule of thumb or heuristic to consider while writing a micro fiction or a 500 word post on some social media to create conflict or anything which force reader to interact or comment about the post or story?
Edit I think my question was not clear. I want to elaborate it. According to @wetcircuit comment, Clickbait Question is a good example. But my question is once user had clicked on my story with a strong clickbait caption or something, How to make some interaction baits in to a story line. Like to touch some social trend and/or using a community specific sensitive issue which force reader to be agree or to disagree.(I guess being disagree make them more willing to comment) Or to leave some loop hole in the story which user quickly identify and point out in comment which make them think they are wiser or writer is some fool or like they are helping writer to gain attention.
Normally if we write some normal Good work of micro or flash fiction user only give likes or just scroll ahead. It doesn't make them to deep dive and take their time to comment on post. Just like click-baits, some kind of interaction-baits are necessary to engage readers. We find these kind of examples in some YouTube Videos and/or some kind of News articles but Are there some examples for stories as well?