I, personally, use the Character Naming Sourcebook by Sherrilyn Kenyon, as well as BabyNamesWorld. When it comes to fantasy names, though, I've never found a generator that worked as well as taking a real name and altering it. It especially helps if you have a general idea of how names in your world should sound. Read through lists of names from Ireland, China, India, Zimbabwe, and other locations around the world. You'll come to identify patterns, and it will help you to create your own names with similar patterns or sounds, while still being unique and appropriate for a fantasy setting.
It can also be a helpful skill to have when creating names for different locations in your world. It emphasizes their differences - not only in culture, but in speech, as well. And it adds to the realism of the world.
That's something that a generator simply cannot do. Not well, in any case.