My attempt at the current writing challenge features a flock of sparrows.
Since the actual "dialogue" between two sparrows would sound like a bunch of cheeping, I need another way to show what they're saying.
Here are the options I've considered so far:
Normal quotation marks. (Example: "This crumb is MINE.") This feels like the weakest option - the sparrows aren't speaking English. Normally I could add "she replied in (language)", but the sparrows don't have an official language, and it doesn't feel right to give them one.
Showing the effect on the character. (Example: Raider was having none of it. The crumb was HERS, she insisted.) Sounds a little flat.
Italics. (Example: This crumb is MINE.) I think this is my strongest option, but also might make the sparrows sound telepathic.
Are there any other options?