So, in a story, I have a girl who has been ritually abused and raped by her father for being born, as he wanted sons to continue his bloodline. Thing is, this sort of thing has never happened to me. Feeling worthless every day? Yes. Trying and failing to measure to impossible expectations? I can do that. But the emotional trauma is never something I've experienced. So, how can I portray it through my character in a way that can make others empathize or sympathize for her?
By the way, the mother is too submissive, but is alive, and the siblings never knew. And she's in her twenties, and a police officer wanting to specialize in this field. We never actually hear about the nitty gritty, we find out via her friend and possible love interest later on. I quote "He still comes in the night, though I've been out of his house for so long." referring to her having nightmares about the trauma.