(I searched combined tags for publishing & poetry, and only found a few older questions, detailed below.)
So - Spring 2019 - where do poets publish now? Is it all self-publish, have the few magazines mentioned in the past gone away, are any new markets appearing? Are anthologies the best new thing?
If suggesting searches on a submission-info site, can you please verify it's free, and share results from (like I'll demonstrate below on my Submission Grinder Answer.)
Updates of Where to publish poems? (2012 - and poetry.com is a known scammer)
Is there a Market for Poetry with a Fixed Verse Form (2011)
Lists of Suggested Magazines to Submit To (2010)
Not a duplicate of A Market For Long Narrative Poetry? (2018) because it focuses on one specific type of (looong) poem and I intend for this to be a more general question
Not a duplicate of Do publishers prefer a particular type of poem? (2015) because that question was more asking what publishers want, not what publishers are there.