As the title might suggest, I'm working on a horror video game, which happens to have a few sex scenes and a bit of nudity here and there - at least, that's what I planned to do. Just FYI: I don't actually plan on selling it anywhere, I plan on making it freely available and self-published. I don't care about getting a rating, but I do care that nobody underage even sees the game. And no, I would probably not even publish it on Steam, even if they recently opened the floodgates for games with sexual content, but that can always change.
So what's the problem exactly? It's a horror game after all, pretty much already reserved for adults only, so why should anybody care if it has sex scenes and nudity, especially when it's not even going to be rated? Well, imo, people have this weird double standard where they can see extreme amounts of gore, but not anything related to sex. Maybe I'm wrong and it's just simply how games with sexual content have been shunned in the past, but that's how it comes across and it's why I'm unsure of doing anything in that direction. Doesn't help that video games are still "babied" unlike movies and books.
What would the game have? Full nudity and full sex scenes, meaning you get to see everything, penetration itself included. If you want. The sex scenes are basically just fan service that you can skip at any time, since they don't really add much to the story itself. You can choose to either watch two (or more) characters have sex for half an hour or you can just get a "and then they had sex" text box and move on. Your choice. The only sex scenes you can't skip are the short ones, where something important happens in the middle of it.
At the risk of being called a pedophile, I also planned on including one nude scene involving two 12 year olds. Don't worry, they're not at all supposed to be sexual in nature, they're just supposed to be treated like a "matter-of-fact" manner. No weird camera angles, no focus on the naughty bits, no sexualisation whatsoever, they just simply happen to be nude in a setting where people are usually nude. Nothing more.
Besides the perverted parts of the game, the game is already pretty graphic, one scene for example involves a character finding the heads of her parents. It is by no means meant for children or even young teenagers, it is adults only.
So... should I go with it? Or should I leave these things out entirely because gamers would prefer not to have them (for some reason)? Should I maybe make two versions, one cut, the other uncut, even if it would still contain the gore? Would it be distracting to have these scenes in a game that's primarily horror and not... erotica/porn/whatever you want to call it?