In short: When writing documentation that will be read both by Anglophones and non-native speakers of English who have various levels of language proficiency, how do I make sure that both these recipient groups find the text comprehensible and easy to read?
While numerous style guides (example: the widely praised MailChimp style guide) advocate some variety of 'friendly, informal, straightforward', adopting a style like this can be at odds with making the text easily understandable for non-native audiences.
There are some strategies which would satisfy both groups of recipients: using simple sentence structures, applying consistent terminology, avoiding cultural references, etc. But in some aspects of style and tone, the two groups might need different treatments.
Example: The use of contraction such as "it's" or "you'll" is permitted by sources such as Microsoft Manual of Style, or even the more conservative Chicago Manual of Style, and using only long form may be considered overfly stuffy and formal. On the other hand, I've been told by non-natives that contractions of that sort should be replaced with more explicit full phrasing.
How can I reconcile the needs of these two audiences?