In a story, you can do anything. :/
Whether it's good is another story. And whether cutting to another couple is another story is itself the story of this decision. Are you cutting because the primary story isn't engaging? If you are, that is the real story here: you need to tell a more interesting story. Cutting away may be avoiding the issue and having it worse. If cutting away reinforces your story, in an additive, smooth way, then it may be just what the scene needs.
Ideally, most things in your story are additive and matter. What you have here is a story-smell. In programming it's called a code smell. Something doesn't smell right to you. It's worth taking a closer look and looking at all of the tools in your toolbox. It may not be what you initially think it is. Long is the adjective coming to your mind, but it's likely not the root cause.
What do you think the problem is? Is it self confidence, boredom, weak dialogue, or lack of progression? Something else? If you don't know, run it by done friends.