To introduce a new object, that not only follows the theme you've created but also to provide a background and in depth description while ALSO not breaking the story flow is a difficult task. Personally, if I were to be writing a story about this, I'd create a format for a sort of background. If you have a matter manipulator/converter, say, like a portable 3d-printer that prints to a larger scale using material around it, then I'd do it like this soon after/immediately after introducing the new machinery:
**MCM //Matter Converter and Manipulator**
The MCM was quite the invention of it's time. Scientists earlier in the era believed that it was impossible to create such a device that took the matter around you and changed it into a set object that a blueprint specified. However, scientist John Doe eventually discovered a way that implemented 3D-Printing and scanners together to take the layout of something. Later, he teamed up with scientist Arnold Darner, who realized that everything could be traced to a single element: Elementonium. The two created a device that broke down the materials around them using lasers into Elementonium, and then recreate an object with the blueprints loaded into it; the object can be anything, from a pencil, to a car, to a skyscraper. After a few prototypes and millions of theories, they eventually made it nearly instantaneous to do so.
Of course, this is just my personal writing style. Not only do you create the object, but you can use elements in it throughout your story as well, such as in this case, the Elementonium.