At this point in my story, it's already been revealed that 2 characters share a telepathic link with one another that allows them to communicate to each other with their minds.
"Now before we get to business there is one issue I must resolve," Hitagi said, getting up before pinning Kabaru against the wall with her heel. "Care to explain why the hell you thought it funny to send me photos of a prostitute who looked like you?"
"How do you know it's me in here?" Kabaru asked, her voice distorted by the vocal mask inbuilt into her helmet. "Yulia, help?"
"I told you off for the same thing too remember? Don't be surprised if Rise starts beating you with her staff after this now that she know the truth."Hitagi turned her head sharply glaring at Yulia. "Knock it off. I know you're both using that telepathy thing."
As you can see currently when I want to show that a conversation is occurring in the minds of characters, I use italics (plain text wise I use <i>
tags to show where it goes). This way it distinguishes this from the vocal stuff with having to repeatedly say "he/she said in his/her mind."
Is this the generally the accepted format style for telepathic communication in the midst of verbal communication? If not, and if there is one, what would be the general format style for this?