There's a major piece of information in my story, which I could either make tell right away - or else keep it a secret, and use it as a plot twist later. I'm having a hard time choosing which way to go.
In my particular case, there are two brothers travelling to rescue a prince; the thing is, he's not just a prince - he's their brother, and they're princes too.
I feel like this is something I could build up into a good surprise, a real "A-HA!" moment. On the other hand, it can also get awkward (e.g., if I use one of the brothers as a POV character, I need to show how he thinks of the prince), and I'm just not sure how effective this is in practice.
I can't surprise myself; I can only try to figure out what will surprise the reader. How can I tell if a plot twist I'm writing (or planning) is good and worthwhile?