Is there a word for when the last word of a line is the first word of a sentence, which creates a rhyme when combined with the preceding word?
That might not be clear on its own; this excerpt from "Satisfied" (from the musical Hamilton, written by Lin-Manuel Miranda) contains several examples:
So so so—
So this is what it feels like to match wits
With someone at your level! What the hell is the catch? It’s
The feeling of freedom, of seein’ the light
It’s Ben Franklin with a key and a kite! You see it, right?
The conversation lasted two minutes, maybe three minutes
Ev’rything we said in total agreement, it’s
A dream and it’s a bit of a dance
(It may help to listen to the verse as performed:
And later in the same song:
That elevates his status, I’d
Have to be naïve to set that aside
It's a clever way of rhyming that I'm not sure I've ever encountered before. Is there a word for this? Can you point me to any other examples?