I authored a bicycle travelogue in the Indian regional language called Malayalam, which is well accepted by readers and three editions of the book have been published. I want to translate the book from Malayalam to English, German & Russian and publish them? who can help me for this ?
3 Answers
Depending on where you live, you can find one or more language translators. For example, in Delhi / Mumbai you'll easily find translators whereas in Kerala, you may not find Russian translators. No matter what you do, English translation should be relatively easy but quality is inconsistent.
They'll charge you on per hour basis or fixed cost, depending on individuals. I am not too aware of professional translation services by companies but they might exist as well in Delhi / Mumbai.
You'll need to have a clear agreement with them to maintain your copyright but credit them too for their work.
Consider Malayalam-English first. You can always get English-Russian & English-German translation later.
You are probably going to have to find someone (or probably more than one) person in India that can translate the work into English, German and Russian. The cost of translators is probably going to be much lower there than it is in say England and America. Also, it will be much easier to find someone who can do it, I think.
Since this sounds like a work of non-fiction, you might consider if you can sell the English language rights to a publisher. They will handle the translation and any editing needed, at no cost to you.
You have a finished work with an established following, this puts you in a good position to seek representation for selling the English languages for the Indian Market. This involves writing a proposal outlining the current piece and citing your number of sales. If you shop the proposal around to agents they can tell you if your work is something they can sell to publishers.