- My audience knows that adrenaline and epinephrine are synonyms.
- I'm new! I'm sorry if I abuse the site by posting this!
- Please critique ruthlessly.
- I would send by Facebook message to a girl I know, who's having a bad year.
Excerpt from The Mechanic
In the roles of cooperating hitmen, Ben Foster and Jason Statham plan an assassination attempt. They finish each other’s sentences, amplifying a sense of magnitude, gravity, and confidence.
- [Ben Foster] Adrenaline shot to the heart. 12cc and he’s dead in under three minutes.
- [Jason Statham] Adrenaline’s unreliable. It may only force him into cardiac arrest.
- [B Foster] But when the EMTs arrive, the first thing they do is jam you with a shot of epinephrine...
- [J Statham] Which is toxic when combined with...
- [B Foster] Adrenaline.
- [J Statham] So on the off chance our adrenaline shot doesn’t kill him...
- [B Foster] The EMTs will.