I'm looking for a medium or a type of live book that's somewhat like a wiki or a blog, but with linear order, like a book.
What I mean by this is, paper books and ebooks are arranged by the author so that reading from cover to cover gradually educates the reader in the a linear process that the author considers effective. I want that inherent order for the work I'm writing.
But I also want the huge benefits of digital platforms - the ability to update the text without releasing a whole new edition, and the ability for readers to comment and ask questions.
This seems to me like an obvious, powerful combination, but I'm having trouble actually finding books of this type, or a platform I can use. I've had no luck searching and suspect I'm just missing that key phrase that anyone using such a thing knows instantly, like "authoring framework" or something.
Does this kind of platform exist?
Update: I've found something just about spot on here based on DocBook markup but the platform has been written by the author. See how it reads more like a book than a wiki and readers can leave comments on each paragraph.
He makes the platform freely available which is great, but it would still be good to know if there's a name for this sort of live, commentable ebook format.
update 2: Amazon ebooks allow commenting and highlighting, which anyone with (the ebook and) a kindle or kindle app can turn on public comments and highlights (ln the settings) to view them.