Is it okay to keep foreign names of companies, organisations, etc even if they have official English translations?
Example 1:
A now defunct limited company in Sweden "Norrbottens Järnverk AB" has an official translation (North-Bothnian Steelworks, Ltd) but it doesn't feel like an ideal solution. Is it better to write something like: "The northern Swedish steelworks company Norrbottens Järnverk AB" the first time it's being mentioned and then just use the Swedish name in the rest of the text?
Also, should I include the official English translation in a footnote?
Example 2:
"SSAB" is the name of another steelworks company (also an acronym for the Swedish name "Svenskt Stål AB"), but there is also an official English name "Swedish Steel AB". Again, this English just doesn't feel right. I'm thinking I should add a short description to make it clear that it's about a steel works company. So: "The Swedish steel works company Swedish Steel AB". But this sounds a bit redundant and clunky, so then I'm thinking why not just use the original name with the description: "The Swedish steel works company SSAB", and refer to it as SSAB in the rest of the text?
What practice do you recommend for examples like these?
Also, is it more important that I'm consistent and stick to either original or English, or should I choose language from case to case?
I tried to find a style guide for this but none of them seem to bring this situation up.
After considering this some more, and reading your helpful answers below, I am currently leaning towards keeping the original foreign name but with a short description the first time the name is mentioned. And also, the first time the foreign name is mentioned, to include a footnote with the official English translation, if there is one, or something like "Translates as bla bla" if there isn't an official translation.