So that character is like any typical sports anime character who loved to play cricket a lot and fortunately was gifted and lucky enough to become a big name in world of cricket but with time during his journey from a kid to professional cricketer he lost that love , the thrill , excitement for game and it only became a game of numbers where the only thing he cared was to score more and more runs which can result in bringing more and more money But with time i want him to return to that passion ,love feeling he had for this game but at the same time i want to him to retain his competitiveness, a attitude as world top while maintaining a balance between classic team sports stuff and hunger for victory and achivements
But i am not sure how to write him , his persona , the circumstances which whill results in these events etc
As this is about how people with time lose their purpose, passion they had for their goal once they reach their and it only becomes a sort of obligation for them
Any other adivices and refrence material would be appreciated too