I have the PC Study Bible, which is a collection of resources (Bible versions, commentaries, &c.) bundled together and accessed via a special software program. How do I cite one of the resources Turabian-style?
If it were a print book, I'd write (in a footnote):
Adam Clarke, Commentary taken from the Holy Bible, Containing the Old and New Testaments . . . , new ed. (Nashville: Abingdon, n.d.).
Do I simply put something like one of these at the end:
(Nashville: Abingdon, n.d.) CD-ROM (Biblesoft, 2006).
(Nashville: Abingdon, n.d.; [CD-ROM] Biblesoft, 2006).
Or is there more to it than that? Do I need to specifically cite that I'm using version 4.1a of the software, or is the date good enough?
Also, since the resource doesn't have page numbers, how do I reference a quote's location in the text?
EDIT: I notice that if I copy text from the commentary, the program inserts below the copied text, "(from Adam Clarke's Commentary, Electronic Database. Copyright (c) 1996 by Biblesoft)". This might be an important piece of bibliographic data, but I don't know.